Zdeněk Havelka
havelka@cerebrica.comFounder and author of the 3rd generation of artificial intelligence concept. Former professor at the Bauhaus school of design in Wiemar. Has over 27 years of industry experience in AI and manufacturing.
Zdeněk Havelka jr.
havelka.jr@cerebrica.comMasters student of Business Informatics at Czech Technical University in Prague. Zdenek has deep expertise and years of experience in software development and process optimisation using Python, Typescript, Java, C++, C#, complex database systems, as well as web and devops tools.
Jiří Humpl
humpl@cerebrica.comFull-stack developer at Cerebrica. Jiri has previously worked at the Czech State Radio (Český Rozhlas), the Artificial Intelligence Center and the Lepsi.City startup. His main competencies are Javascript, jQuery, Flutter and PHP.
Valery Dolotin
Chief data & AI scientist
dolotin@cerebrica.comCo-founder, AI expert and full-stack software engineer with an academic background in mathematics. Graduated with a PhD from Rutgers University. Works with C++, Python, Java, Scala, Javascript, as well as WebGL and DirectX.
Jana Šálková
Back Office & Junior Front-End Developer
salkova@cerebrica.comJana is an early employee at Cerebrica. Apart from her back office work, she also helps Cerebrica as a junior front-end developer and has, in the past, served in customer-facing sales-focused roles.
Matouš Paleček
Junior marketing specialist
palecek@cerebrica.comCo-founder of two startups, an early employee at two companies and a startup analyst at a venture capital fund - Matous has experience both from the world of business as well as a strong background in engineering. He holds an engineering degree in computer systems from the University of London and has won several awards in business and programming.
Kamil Levinsky
Investor and strategic advisor
levinsky@cerebrica.comFormer CEO of Czech Radiocommunications. Kamil joined first Cerebrica as an early-on angel investor and now is the main driving force behind execution and sales. He has 20+ years of experience in various managerial roles in auditing, telecommunication, broadcasting and 3D software including financial and process audit, business, sales, marketing and general management.